Government Summit 2014

The Government Summit is the only global platform dedicated to the improvement and enhancement of government services and related opportunities. It is a forum for the exchange of new and innovative thinking in the field of improving citizen happiness, the future of government services and transformative governments, that can adapt to the expectations of citizens across the globe.

The Summit strengthens international cooperation between public and private sectors.

Alvaro Ramírez Alujas as a speaker at the government Summit 2014 in Panel 


Tuesday 11th February - Innovative Governments 11:45 - 12:45

Over the past years, Latin America has emerged as one of the cornerstones of government service innovation. This special workshop session, organized in cooperation with the Latin American Centre for Cooperation & Development, highlights the critical success factors and key takeaways from public sector development and reform across Latin America. Drawing on specific examples from Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Panama, the workshop will focus on the future outlook for service innovation and the next generation of government service design and delivery.

Professor Álvaro Ramírez-Alujas currently serves as a Researcher at the Research Group on Government Administration and Public Policy at the Institute of Research; and Professor at the Institute of Public Affairs - University of Chile .

He holds a Doctorate in Political Science and Advanced Studies Diploma in Government and Public Administration (2010) from Complutense University of Madrid. He did his BA in Political Science (1995), and Masters in Management and Public Policy at the University of Chile (2001).

His areas of work are: Open Government and Innovation in the Public Sector, State Reform and Modernisation of Public Administration, Public Management, Public Leadership, Transparency and Access to Information, among others.

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