Invstigadores GIGAPP estarán presentes en la Primera Conferencia Internacional en Políticas Públicas, organizada por varios Research Committes (RC) de la International Political Science Association (IPSA) en colaboración con otras muchas organizaciones europeas de ciencia política.

Este evento se celebrará en Grenoble, Francia, del 26 al 28 de Junio de 2013. En colaboración con la UNAM, el GIGAPP-IUIOG coordinará un panel temático con siete propuestas aceptadas llamado 

Beyond policy outcomes : analyzing the effects of policies and policy designs on social and political behaviour

César Cruz-Rubio, GIGAPP-IUIOG, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. and 
Roberto Castellanos-Cereceda, UNAM, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.

Paul Teske, University of Colorado and 
Prof. Alex Caldera, México, University of Guanajuato

Las ponencias aceptadas de investigadores GIGAPP son cinco:

1. Ma. Cecilia Güemes y Jose  A. Hernández Bonivento (GIGAPP-IUIOG)  

The complex relationship between trust, informal institutions and public policies

The scholars point out the complex and bidirectional relation between trust, informal institutions and public policies. The effectiveness at implementation of public policies depends on the level of social and institutional trust and on the ways of doing that North called "informal institutions". But also, trust and social practices are affected by public policies in different and indirect ways. In this paper we try to analyze some peculiarities of this relation focus on Latin America societies. First, we describe some features of trust and informal institution in the region. Second, we sum up the social and political effects of neoliberal public policies on them. Third, we reflect on the obstacles that low level of social and institutional trust has on the formulation and implementation of public policies and state reforms. We consider this reflection is especially relevant in an era where the old ways of governance are on the table and the Government tries to open to citizenship and convince them to participate and take part on public issues.

2. César Cruz-Rubio (GIGAPP-IUIOG)  

From "open up the policy-making process" towards "open policy designs".

Due to the impact of the Open-Government, as an emerging paradigm, over several state-reform processes around the world, and based on a theoretical discussion proposed (Ramírez-Alujas y Cruz Rubio, 2012) about what we initially may define as "open policy designs" as a subject of study, this paper seeks to identify and explore the main elements in defining and analyzing policy designs in the face of the Open Government perspective. Specifically, this effort addresses several questions: What policy-design dimensions (tools, instruments and rationales) may define a policy design as an "open policy design"? How and why these dimensions are key determinants in defining it as a subject of study, that may be consider as different from other types of 'normal' policy designs? Is it just a matter of a specific and selective use of instruments what defines a given policy design as 'open'? Are both the Open-Government principles and the progressive opening up of the policy-making process around the world, the tendencies that are shaping a new (or alternative) mode of governance? And if so, what kind of directions should take policy-research in order to cope with this subject of study adequately?

3. Roberto Castellanos-Cereceda (UNAM-FCPyS)

Understanding the linkages and possible causal relationships between the provision of basic public services, government performance and subjective wellbeing: the case of Mexico at the subnational (state) level

During the last 15 to 20 years there has been an increasing attention to analysing, measuring and understanding non-economic aspects of wellbeing such as life satisfaction and happiness, that is, the subjective wellbeing (SWB) of societies.As part of this field of inquiry, which has expanded to the policy arena and into the use of measurements and approaches of SWB in policy design (i.e. UK, Buthan, France, China, among others), one of the many questions posed is the extent to which and in what areas, public policy and governmental action may be correlated or could influence peoples SWB. Based on empirical information, in the paper I will try to explain and answer the question of whether there is and what kind of correlation and possible causal relationship may exist between the provision of basic public services and people's SWB in México. The main focus will be on three basic public services, water supply, public basic education and public health provision, both in terms of its presence (provision) or absence and the perception of its quality (in this latter case, only for public basic education and public health). The empirical analysis will be based on the results of a National Values Survey of México of 2010, which offers, for the first time, detailed information regarding SWB (happiness and life satisfaction) and the people's perception of the quality of basic education and public health at the subnational (state) level (i.e. for the 32 states of México). As a way of contrasting the results of the analysis based on this Survey, I will consider the results recently presented (on December 2012) by the National Statistics Office of México (INEGI) regarding the levels of self-reported wellbeing (life satisfaction) of the population, the first survey of its kind promoted by the INEGI.

4. Alex R. Caldera Ortega (U. Guanajuato) 

Water human right and its implications in terms of institutional design in the field of water and sanitation in Mexico. An analysis of the transfer set public policy

In Mexico the human right to water has been formally and in 2012 has been recognized in the federal Constitution. In the past, the country had signed international agreements with this recognition, but the resistances were present in the country expressed by various political actors. The political process is currently being developed to design an institutional framework consistent with this recognition in order to guarantee effectively this right. This paper attempts to reconstruct the debate around this political process, identifying the political strategies of the actors at both the national and local levels. The specific observations of cases of Jalisco, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato try to identify the impacts of the transfer of a national policy to local patterns of political change and the role of public policy networks in the transformation of the sector of drinking water and sanitation.

5. Rosa de la Fuente and María Velasco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

The image of Madrid: Policy narratives of the urban policies

We can clearly identify a Madrid city model started around 1990 when local government started to paying attention to the ways Madrid should be connected to global context in order to become an "important city place" a new logic of global competition started to be spread associated with the necessity of implement neoliberal reforms to manage urban issues (Alguacil et al.: 2011, de la Fuente & Velasco 2011). We consider that in order to analyse the representation of space, it is very useful to pay attention to the urban policies discourses emanated from public institutions and local governments. We paid attention to the construction of cognitive frames and discursive strategies in those political speeches, namely, the symbolic dimension of policy (Subirats and Gomá 1998). The focal point was to discover the rhetoric around Madrid as global city, what Atkinson 2000 and Jezierski (2004) called the story of the city, how problems and solutions are related while the city "representations of the space" is projected. In doing that, we tried to illustrate two principal ideas: describing the city model and telling the urban policies designed for the city is a way of constructing collective reference frames that are recreating constantly the past, the present and the future of Madrid. "Global city" is and end but also a means to legitimate the transformation of the city. Some dominant narratives of "Roll back State" neoliberalism are better understand as neocorporatism, neostatism and neocommunitarianism, at least at the urban level (Jessop, 2002).

Sobre la ICPP 2013

Esta cita será una de las más importantes al nivel mundial en materia de políticas públicas. La primera sesión plenaria de este Evento estará a cardo del Profesor Emérito Giandomenico Majone con la charla  What's new(s) in public policy approaches?. La segunda sesión plenaria será una mesa redonda integrada por varios profesores e invesigadores de primer nivel que hablarán sobre el estado del arte de los distintos enfoques en políticas públicas: 

Edouardo Araral (National University of Singapore) on IAD approaches

Frank Fischer (Kassel University, Germany) on Interpretive approaches

Virginie Guiraudon (IEP Lille, France) on French approaches

Bryan D. Jones (University of Texas) on punctuated equilibrium theory

Helen Margetts (University of Oxford), on instruments approaches

Christopher Weible (University of Colorado, USA) on ACF approaches

Nikolaos Zahariadis (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA) on MS approaches

El moderador de esta segunda sesión plenaria será B. Guy Peters (University of Pittsburgh, USA) quien además hblará de lo los enfoques neoinstitutionalistas

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