From governance to good administration: the innovative principle of transparency in public law for cities

Wellington Migliari,
The principle of transparency is one of the cornerstones in governance debate. It orients creditable practices for the making of public policies drawing citizens’ attention to a wider debate in social matters. However, open governments without common multilevel goals tend to nurture the conflict of competences resulting the opposite of an active citizenship. The aim of our article is to present transparency locally under the innovative principle of good administration in a comparative perspective. The 19/2014 Catalonian Act and the 16.050/2014 São Paulo Urban Planning Act seem to avoid rigid top-down constructs that usually generate juridical battles among powers, restrictions for the decision-making process and, consequently, opaque agendas.
Área(s) temática(s):
Tipo de publicación:
Paper/Extenso Congresos GIGAPP
VII Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Politicas Públicas. GIGAPP 03-05 octubre 2016.
Madrid, España
GIGAPP. Asociación Grupo de Investigacion en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas
The paper suggested is a reflection of how to expand the civil society interests for more transparency in public issues. Although not included in the final version of the thesis, there are many legal instruments that meet social platforms' demands and promote more multilevel agendas. The two legal documents are also effective tools to generate more proportionality in administrative expedients against distortions involving property laws, urban planning and social function of property.
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