The political constitution of the management instruments: strategic planning as an innovative space for public action

Daroit, Doriana; Lima Lúcio, Magda; Macedo Bessa, Luis Fernando; Maduro-Abreu, Alexandre
Public organizations are distinguished from private organizations because they offer individual and collective rights in the form of services. They carry out public policies that guide the action on development. Considering the role of public organizations can be said that public policies are materialized in management. Management, in turn, becomes concrete in its instruments. Lascoumes and Les Galès (2004) define an instrument as a technical device with generic vocation that carries a concrete conception of the relationship politics / society and underpins a conception of regulation. The constitution of the instrument is the space of innovation where collective disputes occur resulting from action. So, the instrument only exists during the dispute, after that it becomes routine (Latour, 2005). In this study, we direct our look to an important instrument of public management: strategic planning. We discuss the formation of the strategic planning instrument, its stages, its actors and its results. Data were collected in a Brazilian public company of the healthcare sector through individual and group interviews and workshops for strategic development in 2012 and 2013. Results indicate that the establishment of the relationship between politics / society happens in the elaboration of the instrument, because inside the discussion occur the realization of meanings and interpretations given to public policy and the discussion of the role of the organization in this context.
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Tipo de publicación:
Paper/Extenso Congresos GIGAPP
V Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas
Madrid, España
29-Sept 01-Oct. 2014
Hits: 10062