Portuguese PPPs: Prospects for a New Form of Service Delivery. The Case of Urban Development and Regeneration
- Firmino, Sandra Isabel Rasteiro; Mendes, Silvia M.
- Abstract:
- Networks are a relatively recent phenomenon in Portuguese public administration. These networks can take the form of public-private partnerships. PPPs in Portugal are primarily contractual in nature, although more informal, collaborative partnerships have surfaced in such policy areas as sanitation, drug treatment, and urban regeneration. Very little is known about these PPPs from an organizational and public management viewpoint. Furthermore, even less is known in regard to how networks fair in comparison to other forms of service delivery. The few studies there are highlight mere legislative descriptions and cost-benefit analyses of contractual PPPs. In this paper, we conduct a qualitative study of collaborative partnerships in urban development and regeneration. Using in-depth interviews with policymakers and public and private practitioners, we propose to provide some insight into the economic, political, and organizational viability of PPPs.
- Área(s) temática(s):
- Año:
- 2012
- Tipo de publicación:
- Paper/Extenso Congresos GIGAPP
- Palabras clave:
- public-private partnerships, public governance, urban regeneration, Portugal
- Número:
- 161
- Serie:
- III Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas
- Dirección:
- Madrid, España
- Organización:
- Mes:
- 27-28 Sept.2012
Hits: 17251