Preventing Corruption and Promoting Good Government and Public Integrity
- Abstract:
- In order to prevent corruption and promote good government and public integrity, new mechanisms have been put into force in the last decade to face the limitations and the inefficiency of the reactive approach to corruption and maladministration.Administrative law plays an important role in preventing corruption by regulating institutions to encourage good governance and good administration, improve transparency, promote ethical values among public officials, prevent conflicts of interest and avoid their transformation into corruption. In this book, renowned experts from several countries analyse the regulation of transparency, public ethics, conflict of interest prevention, lobby activity, political financing, good government, good administration and accountability in present times. From a general point of view, it is also examined the role of regulation and mechanisms to improve its quality to prevent corruption. The book highlights the possibilities and the limits of Administrative law to improve the fight against corruption and to promote good government and public integrity and it explores the role of transdisciplinarity in the regulation of tools to prevent and fight against corruption.
- Área(s) temática(s):
- Año:
- 2017
- Tipo de publicación:
- Paper/Extenso Congresos GIGAPP
- Palabras clave:
- Congreso GIGAPP
- Número:
- GIGAPP2017
- Serie:
- VIII Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administracion y Politicas Publicas
- Dirección:
- Madrid, España
- Organización:
- GIGAPP. Asociación GIGAPP
- Mes:
- Septiembre
- Comentarios:
- Propuesta aceptada Presentación de Libro o publicación 2017 - Espacio GIGAPP Presentación Libros
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