Policy difussion of open government in Latin American countries: Political determinants based on evidence from National Progress Reports
- Abstract:
- Which are the political determinant for the advancement of open government in Latin American countries? This paper seeks to answer this single question. Nowadays 15 Iberoamerican countries regularly develops and implement biannual national action plans (each of them with a set of specific commitments) for the advance of open government at the national level. Since open government initiatives comprises in a high degree the most recent innovations and public sector reforms in this part of the World (this region is in fact the most prominent in the advancement of open government worldwide), it seems cleary relevant to understand which political determinants are involved into this processes Using the diffusion or public policies literature (Berry & Berry, 2007 ; Dobbin, Simmons, & Garrett, 2007) and on the bases of Progress Reports made by the Independent Reporting Mechanism of the Open Government Partnership, the objective of this paper is the identification of the determinants of the success in the advancement of public policies for open government (that is, policies and changes in public sector programs for strength transparency, access of information, public participation and public accountability with the intensive use of ICT) into the national agendas, and the identification of its implementation process and pitfalls.
- Área(s) temática(s):
- Año:
- 2017
- Tipo de publicación:
- Paper/Extenso Congresos GIGAPP
- Palabras clave:
- Congreso GIGAPP
- Número:
- GIGAPP2017
- Serie:
- VIII Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administracion y Politicas Publicas
- Dirección:
- Madrid, España
- Organización:
- GIGAPP. Asociación GIGAPP
- Mes:
- Septiembre
- Comentarios:
- Propuesta aceptada Ponencia/Comunicacion 2017-24 ¿Gobernando el futuro? ... desafíos del enfoque de Estado Abierto en Iberoamerica
Hits: 16099