How to enhance citizen participation in Open Government Partnership county Iniciatives
- Baytelman, Paloma
- Abstract:
- Through a review of the initial documents of the eight founding countries of the Open Government Partnership (OGP)–action plans, self-assessments, and IRM reports–this paper analyzes these countries’ plans for increasing citizen engagement. The analysis establishes that in order to implement plans that meaningfully enhance citizen engagement, countries need to clearly identify specific goals and possess a profound understanding of the problems related to civic participation. Additionally, in order to achieve citizen engagement, the study suggests, a suitable national context for public participation must exist. Countries must design and implement methods that encourage civic engagement and incorporate citizen input into the decision-making process, as well define metrics and means of verification to assess the success of the initiatives.
- Área(s) temática(s):
- Año:
- 2014
- Tipo de publicación:
- Paper/Extenso Congresos GIGAPP
- Número:
- 973
- Serie:
- V Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas
- Dirección:
- Madrid, España
- Organización:
- Mes:
- 29-Sept 01-Oct. 2014
Hits: 3264