- 1. El juicio de responsabilidad administrativa por falta grave
- (Publicación/documento)
- El presente analiza el juicio de responsabilidad administrativa por falta grave, que por disposición constitucional mexicana, ahora serán sancionadas por el tribunal federal de justicia administrativa ...
- Creado en 30 Noviembre -0001
- 2. Political Identity and Participation of Mexican Immigrants in Spain (2000-2015)
- (Publicación/documento)
- This paper presents our current research examining the political identity and participation of Mexican immigrants in Spain. It aims at exploring their motivations, interests, and levels of political participation ...
- Creado en 30 Noviembre -0001
- 3. Measuring Collaborative Stakeholder Influence and Open Budget Actions
- (Publicación/documento)
- Collaborative stakeholder influences (CSI) and open budget actions (OBA) are important elements in Governance in order to promote social development (Ansell e Gash, 2008). However, one point that needs ...
- Creado en 30 Noviembre -0001
- 4. Projeto Ponto de Cultura: quando uma política pública se torna vitrine do descompasso entre Estado e sociedade civil.
- (Publicación/documento)
- O artigo analisa o Ponto de Cultura na perspectiva dos enfrentamentos ocorridos durante a sua implementação. A hipótese de trabalho é que os problemas encontrados pelos atores sociais para gerir os seus ...
- Creado en 30 Noviembre -0001
- 5. Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf): análise dos seus impactos na vida das Mulheres beneficiárias
- (Publicación/documento)
- Este estudo teve por objetivo geral avaliar o impacto do Pronaf nas condições de vida das mulheres agricultoras beneficiárias. Especificamente pretendeu-se analisar se o crédito tem proporcionado melhorias ...
- Creado en 30 Noviembre -0001
- 6. Shifting discourses in Barcelona’s tourism politics. A sociosemiotics analysis of media discourses
- (Publicación/documento)
- A coalition of leftist political groups, civic movements, and grassroots organizations led by social activist Ada Colau has won the Barcelona municipal elections of 2015, and is now governing the Catalan ...
- Creado en 30 Noviembre -0001
- 7. ¿Qué iniciativa legislativa tenemos? ?Qué iniciativa legislativa necesitamos? El art. 87.3 CE y la LOILP 4/2006 a debate
- (Publicación/documento)
- The social crisis of legitimacy that concerns to the representative institutions needs to find out for new and constructive legal solutions. The critical analysis of the material content of the legislative ...
- Creado en 31 Mayo 2016
- 8. Critical analysis of the new public management paradigm
- (Publicación/documento)
- This paper aims to critically analyze the structure and the new culture of public administration paradigm named as the new administration or public management of public organizations. The main challenge ...
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- 9. Effective Partnering in Contract and Institutionalised PPP: A Comparative Case Study in the Water and Waste Disposal Sector
- (Publicación/documento)
- Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are governance arrangements broadly defined as forms of collaboration between public and private actors. The conditions under which collaboration excels are therefore ...
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- 10. Nuevo Reformismo Europeo: ¿Trae nuevas políticas turísticas?
- (Publicación/documento)
- Syriza and Podemos -among other, new political parties, referred as New European Reformism (NER)- have not only transformed the European political landscape; they have also brought to light opportunities, ...
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- 11. Public policy in Brazil: pre-salt and well-being state improves
- (Publicación/documento)
- The objective of this study is analysis of the evolution of regulation of exploration and oil trade in Brazil, which began with the approval of the Petroleum Act (1997), discussing how ideas and public ...
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- 12. La problemática del poder de reforma constitucional en Brasil: clausulas pétreas, control judicial de enmiendas constitucionales y principio democráticot
- (Publicación/documento)
- The present paper proposes an analysis of the constitutional reform power established under the CF 1988 and the main questions concerning its design. Its procedural dynamic show some aspects so rel- evant ...
- Creado en 31 Mayo 2016
- 13. La problemática del poder de reforma constitucional en Brasil: clausulas pétreas, control judicial de enmiendas constitucionales y principio democrático
- (Publicación/documento)
- The present paper proposes an analysis of the constitutional reform power established under the CF 1988 and the main questions concerning its design. Its procedural dynamic show some aspects so rel- evant ...
- Creado en 31 Mayo 2016
- 14. New Social Risks and Welfare State Reforms in Norway and Spain
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
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- 15. Norwegian long-term care: Legacies, trends, and controversies
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
- Creado en
- 16. Challenges and reforms in Long-Term Care policy in Spain
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
- Creado en
- 17. Family and gender policies in Norway
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
- Creado en
- 18. Family and Gender in the Spanish Welfare System
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
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- 19. Unemployment and activation policies in Norway
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
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- 20. Challenges of the Unemployment Protection System and Active Policies in Spain
- (Publicación/documento)
- The NorSpaR project aims to analyse the main public policy initiatives by which Norway and Spain cope with the new social and economic challenges derived from the so-called New Social Risks (NSR). Although ...
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