Democratic innovations and citizen participation in urban planning in Brazil


Democratization in Brazil was highlighted by the emergence of civil society in the political scene, generalizing a set of social movements that vindicated distributive policies and participation. From the Constitution of 1988, citizen participation was institutionalized and penetrated the state networks. In this scenario, democratic innovations in urban planning are highlighted, particularly through the Urban Planning Plan, the basic instrument to ensure the social function of property and democratic management. The Federal Law nº 10.257 / 2001 (Statute of the City) ratified this participative requirement. However, among the institutional rules and the success factors of these innovations, there is a wide gulf that must be investigated in order to measure the effectiveness of democratization in urban planning.


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Author Biography

Jefferson Goulart, Dr., Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brasil

Jefferson Goulart es post-doctorado en sociología urbana por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, doctorado y master en ciencia política por la Universidade de São Paulo, profesor del Programa de Postgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidade Estadual Paulista, investigador del Centro de Estudios de Cultura Contemporánea y líder del Grupo de Investigación Desarrollo Urbano Contemporáneo (CNPq).

How to Cite
Goulart, J. (2019). Democratic innovations and citizen participation in urban planning in Brazil. GIGAPP Estudios Working Papers, 6(128-134), 337-352. Retrieved from